Extremism is pointless.


Pic somewhat related (No, not against one specific group of people)

Every kind of group that worships a thing, person or an idea has an amount of extremists. Extremists are basicly people, in this group of worshippers, who take their idea of thinking that whatever they worship is the only right thing to worship, or their way of worshipping is the only right way to worship whatever they worship, and some even take it out on other people.

Should this be tolerated? The part where people should worship whatever they want in every way they want should, but otherwise no. Can we do anything about it? Unfortunately no, we really can’t. But despite this, just because people are allowed to behave like this doesn’t mean it’s alright.

One reason why extremism is still allowed is because it can’t be banned because of freedom of religion, at least in the democratic, western part of the world. This also means that if extremism gets banned or made illegal in some way, then why not make it illegal to vote for a certain political party or have a religion in general for example?

I’m not a fan of extremism in anyway, because no idea is right or wrong as long as there is no proof upon this. Does this mean noone will win the discussion about how the universe was created? Who knows? Does this mean that noone is right in a discussion? That depends on things like what’s being discussed, what points are being argued for and what proof/arguments exist.

But seriously, who the fuck on earth would ever want to be so interested in something they become extremistic about it? Isn’t the world filled with enough crazy people without extremists? These people are dangerous, not only to them selves but also to other people. It’s even worse when it comes to religion. which is where most extremists exist, and that is a fact that we cannot and should not ignore.

And when I’m at it, why do people call it racism when someone are critical towards religion especially when it’s Islam? Islam is a religion and not a race. In fact, religion and race are two completely different things where Religion is an idea of how life is and should be and works as a guideline and someting people choose to follow. Race is something that is defined by things like where people come from, the skintone people have and also some gentical and therefore something you are born into. I’m not saying it’s only muslims who act like this, but it still doesn’t matter what culture, religion or whatever a person belong to, behavior like this isn’t accaptable at all.

So therefore we can ask ourselves: Do we really need those who destroy a common idea of things by taking it too personal? Of course we don’t, because while it’s an iportant part of life (especially when it comes to social life) to have common ground with other people, it is also important to respect when people see things differently.

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